Anh Tuan Huynh1,, Thi Hong Hanh Nguyen

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Abstract: This research paper examines the factors influencing the operation of professional learning communities (PLCs) among English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers at Vietnamese economics universities. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the study integrates quantitative survey data with qualitative interviews from four universities in Hanoi to provide a more profound understanding of PLC implementation and management in Vietnam higher education contexts. The key findings indicate that strong institutional support, effective leadership, high teacher engagement, and favorable external conditions are essential for the success of PLCs in the investigated institutions. The study identifies significant challenges, such as the lack of synchronization in PLC activities and inconsistencies in quality management, which impede PLC effectiveness. Recommendations include developing structured models and policies to foster collaborative learning, promoting a culture of continuous professional development, and ensuring external conditions are conducive to PLC sustainability. This research enriches the existing literature on PLCs by analyzing their dynamics within Vietnamese higher education and offers practical strategies for educational leaders and policymakers to enhance PLC operations. Ultimately, these recommendations aim to support the professional growth of EFL university teachers and improve the overall quality of education in Vietnamese economics universities (VEUs).

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