Thi Minh Thao Nguyen1,, Thi Minh Hai Ngo1, Hong Quang Vu1
1 Hanoi University of Industry

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Recently, smart classrooms (SCs) and technological applications have been paid much attention and invested to create a modern learning environment at many educational institutions, especially at tertiary level. This study aims to explore how SCs and Smartclass (SC) software affect students’ interpretation learning at the School of Languages and Tourism (SLT), Hanoi University of Industry (HaUI). Data were achieved through survey questionnaires with 54 English majored students with the interpretation orientation of Tourism and Business and two focus group interviews (one with 5 students and another with 5 lecturers). The questionnaire was adapted and developed from the studies by Li et al. (2015) and MacLeod et al. (2018). The findings revealed students’ and lecturers’ positive viewpoints on utilizing SCs and SC software in learning interpretation since it helped them increase motivation, sustain autonomous study, develop learning interaction, and most importantly enhance their interpreting skills including time-management, public speaking, deciphering and message delivery skills. The results also indicated some shortcomings and suggestions to improve the quality of teaching and learning at SCs, exploit SC software as well as achieve better learning experience of interpretation. In addition, some implications and recommendations were also discussed.


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