Thi Bich Lien Ta1,, Thi Thu Ha Nghiem1
1 Hanoi University of Industry

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The quasi-experimental research focuses on impacts of applying mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) in teaching speaking skills to non-English majors in offline classes at a university in Vietnam. The participants were 65 accounting-majored students in 2 classes - one was control group (CG) with 33 students and the other was experimental group (EG) with 32 students. After 8 weeks of experimenting in using MALL in speaking lessons, the researchers’ observations and experimental group’s survey results were analyzed in relation with the comparison of progress test results of the two groups in week 10. The findings revealed that MALL was effective in offline speaking classes, helped students not only improve their fluency and accuracy but also increase their non-verbal communication skills. The EG had better speaking test results and positive perception towards using MALL in speaking lessons.


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