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Over the past three decades, there has been a considerable increase in research of assessment literacy in language education or language assessment literacy (henceforth LAL), as evidenced by academic researchers’ growing interest and publications. Given the importance of LAL in the language teachers’ professional development, this paper adopts a systematic review protocol to present a comprehensive literature review on LAL. Based on the analysis of 211 relevant publications identified through the Scopus search engine and using VOSviewer software for bibliometric analysis, this review sheds light on perspectives that have not been thoroughly explored or evaluated by previous studies on the subject. The findings have several implications for the current state of LAL literature, indicating potential future research directions and highlighting existing research gaps. These results provide a robust framework for a deeper understanding of the evolution of research topics, scientific methodologies, and trends in this cutting-edge and captivating field of study.
Article Details
Language education, assessment literacy, bibliometric analysis, systematic review
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