Nguyen Thu Le Hang1,, Luong Trung Hieu1
1 University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi

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During the Fall semester of the school year 2021-2022, three concurrent Emotional Intelligence and Social Communications (EISC) courses were conducted to assist students’ personal development. Using a mixed-method approach, this descriptive study explores changes in the EI levels of students attending these courses. After conducting the survey, which revealed a significant mean difference of 0.12 (95% CI [0.003, 0.237]) between during-course and post-course scores, the researchers employed purposive sampling to select interview participants with the most increased, most decreased, and nearly unchanged levels of EI. The interview data indicated that most interviewees experienced an increase in the ability to consider other perspectives and some in the ability to regulate emotions. On the other hand, emotion management ability seemed to have experienced the slightest improvement. Additionally, the analysis of 20 learner’s reflections showed that learners indicating the most recurrent ideas are learners’ realisations about self (personal shortcomings, past unfortunate events, existing helpful habits/accomplishment, or intentions of future change/improvement) and statements about benefits of mindfulness (increased perception or relief from unpleasant emotions).

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