Le Xuan Khai1,
1 VNU University of Languages and International Studies

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In the past, in the Chinese language and culture departments of foreign language universities in Vietnam, Chinese literature was always considered one of the most important courses as it provides students with knowledge of the history, culture and literature of the country whose native language they are studying. Along with the change of times and the introduction of new courses to meet the labor needs of society, courses on literature and culture are narrowed in both scope and depth of content. The time reserved for these courses is also shortened, which requires teachers to adopt a reasonable teaching method to ensure the sufficient amount of knowledge and skills, while still promoting students’ perception and creativity, thereby arousing their interests and promoting their inquiries in the subject. One such appropriate approach is integrated teaching. Therefore, the paper proposes a new way for integrated teaching of Chinese literature to Chinese-majored students at higher educational institutions in the country.

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