Van Thang Nguyen1,, Thi Thu Hoai Tran
1 Trường Đại học Thành Đông

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This action research, grounded in Fredrickson and Cohn's (2008) Broaden-and-Build Theory of positive emotions (PE), investigates the impacts of PE on English Language Learning (ELL) in a language learning context, particularly the relationship between PE, foreign language enjoyment (FLE), and language proficiency. It employs a mixed-methods approach, integrating interventions involving mindfulness practices, collaborative learning strategies, and the integration of gamified elements. The study utilizes various data sources, including a Foreign Language Enjoyment (FLE) questionnaire adapted from Dewaele and MacIntyre (2014), reflective emotion journals, and language proficiency tests. Findings reveal that fostering PE, such as creativity, social interaction, and supportive teaching, contributes significantly to foreign language enjoyment. Moreover, the correlation between FLE and language proficiency underscores the potential benefits of interventions aimed at cultivating PE. This research advocates for pedagogical approaches that prioritize the promotion of PE within the language learning context, ultimately enhancing both enjoyment and proficiency.



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