Viet Khoa Nguyen1,
1 School of Foreign Languages, Hanoi University of Science & Technology

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This study explores subtitling strategies employed in translating taboo words within the film The Shawshank Redemption into Vietnamese. Employing a mixed-methods approach involving both quantitative and qualitative analyses, the research systematically collects and categorizes taboo words in the film and evaluates the corresponding translation strategies employed in Vietnamese subtitles. Six strategies, including Taboo for Taboo, Omission, Euphemism, Direct translation, Substitution, and Translation by more general words, are identified. The predominant use of the Taboo for Taboo strategy is highlighted, allowing the translator to preserve the original expressive impact while ensuring comprehension in the target language. Despite its efficacy, the Taboo for Taboo strategy encounters cultural constraints. The research advocates prioritizing this approach to maintain fidelity, acknowledging challenges related to censorship and adherence to target language norms. The study underscores the sophisticated nature of translating taboo expressions, considering contextual factors, translation purpose, and intended message. Emphasizing the underexplored nature of offensive language in Audiovisual Translation, particularly in subtitling, the study underscores the pivotal role of taboo words in character portrayal and emotional expression. The call for further research in Vietnamese subtitled translations aims to provide valuable insights for navigating the challenges posed by low register expressions. The study concludes by advocating for a well-adjusted approach that upholds fidelity while addressing the intricacies of language and cultural sensitivity in subtitling, contributing to a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in translating taboo words in audiovisual content.


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