Dinh Phuong Khanh Ho1,, Thi Ngoc Thanh Phan2
1 University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City
2 Ho Chi Minh City Open University

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The advantages of online learning have allowed learners to join courses that help them conveniently improve their knowledge and skills. One of the challenges facing online programs, however, is to retain students and address the issue of high dropout rates. This article reviews literature to determine factors influencing student persistence in online programs and explores solutions to reduce attrition rates. Ninety articles in peer-reviewed journals published between 2000 and 2022 were examined and included in the literature. The selection criteria consist of topic relevance, studies having empirical data and year of publication. Additional procedures involve searching databases, screening abstracts, analyzing full texts, and synthesizing. Factors contributing to student persistence in online learning include internal factors (i.e. motivation, satisfaction, and self-efficacy), external factors (i.e. financial aid, peer and family support), and student skills (i.e. time management and self-regulation skills). Several viable solutions are providing orientation programs, creating collaborative learning environments and enhancing faculty support. This critical review creates a foundation for further research on the issue of student retention in online programs.


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