Hoai An Le1,
1 Khoa NN&VH Đức, ULIS, VNU

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 The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) 2001 and the Companion Volume for the CEFR in 2018 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. Companion Volume with New Descriptors) provide foreign language teachers with particularly important information for their lessons in Europe and in many countries around the world. Based on an analysis of the recommendations and suggestions presented in the CEFR and selected research works on language mediation in foreign language teaching by German scholars, the article will deal with the most important types of oral language mediation exercises in foreign language classes in general and in German classes in particular. In addition, several types of practice of oral language mediation are proposed in combination with other skills such as hearing, seeing, listening and reading, in order to improve the speed and quick wit of oral text production of students at the Faculty of German Language and Culture, VNU University of Languages and International Studies.

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