Anh Thi Nguyen1, Trut Thuy Pham2,, Tan Thien Mai, Thanh Thao Le, Hoang Yen Phuong, Thi Anh Thu Huynh, Huong Tra Nguyen
1 Can Tho University
2 Nam Can Tho University

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This descriptive study aims to examine the perceptions of Vietnamese English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers on the influence of research on their instructional practices. The study involved 50 highly proficient and experienced teachers from five universities located in the Mekong Delta region of southern Vietnam. A questionnaire consisting of 26 Likert-type items was used to collect data, and the teachers’ perceptions of research effects were assessed based on their mean scores. The results indicated that research significantly enhanced teachers’ comprehension of their teaching practices, prompting them to reflect more deeply on their teaching methodologies. Additionally, research facilitated the elucidation of language learning processes, widened sources for developing teaching ideas and experience, refined academic instructions, and encouraged reflective teaching practices. The study contributes to the existing literature on the influence of research on instructional practices and provides insight into the critical effects of research on teachers’ practices. The results may inform policy and practice decisions on incorporating research into teacher training and professional development initiatives. Overall, this study highlights the importance of research in enhancing instructional methodologies and promoting reflective teaching practices.

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