Tran Thi Lan Anh1,, Cao Thuy Hong1, Nguyen Mai Hoa2
1 University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
2 University of New South Wales

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Practicum is an important component of teacher education programs in Vietnam. However, there is little research that can provide readers with an overview of the organisation of practicums and the level of school-university partnership in this context. The present study analyzes data obtained from 89 curricula from 22 teacher training institutions, and policy documents, implementation manuals and reports from 36 institutions in Vietnam. The results of document analysis show that there is a great difference between institutions in terms of the number of practicums, the duration of the practicums, its beginning and ending points. In addition, document analysis also shows that 4 models of practicums are being implemented at teacher training institutions showing different levels of partnership between universities and schools. Findings of this study are useful to policymakers on practicum policies, curriculum designers, lecturers, pedagogical students, and school teachers.

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