Anh Phuong Dang1,, Duy Khang Nguyen2
1 School of Foreign Language, Can Tho University, 411D, April 30 street, Hung Loi ward, Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city, Vietnam
2 Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City - Campus in Ben Tre, 99A, AH60, Phu Tan ward, Ben Tre city, Ben Tre province, Vietnam

Main Article Content


This study investigated the instructional strategies preferred by Vietnamese English as a foreign language (EFL) lecturers in both online and face-to-face teaching environments, focusing on teaching receptive skills. Drawing from Walker's (2008) framework for effective lecturing, which emphasized the creative use of instructional strategies and technology, this research surveyed thirty-eight lecturers regarding their preferences. The survey revealed some strategies that had the same extent of preference and some being disliked in both settings. Additionally, some instructional strategies were preferred in online teaching over face-to-face teaching and vice versa. The interviews also identified some primary reasons for lecturers’ preference for instructional strategies and their recommendation of choosing appropriate strategies for teaching receptive skills. These findings underscored the nuanced preferences of EFL lecturers in selecting instructional strategies for different teaching contexts, offering insights into the evolution of English Language Teaching in Vietnam.


Article Details


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