Highlights of Theoretical Systems and Ideologies of Generations of Chinese Leadership after the Reform and Opening up

Pham Duc Trung1,
1 University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi

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The often-mentioned theoretical system of generations of Chinese leadership since the reform and opening up is composed of Deng Xiaoping theory, the Three Represents of Jiang Zemin, and Scientific Outlook on Development of Hu Jintao. Since being given the post as the highest leader of Chinese government, the Chinese leader H.E Xi Jinping has proposed his ideology of leadership to be implementing “Chinese dream” to revive the Chinese nation. Although this ideology is not a complete theory or a theoretical system, it has become the motto of the new leadership in China. It plays an important role in gathering strength of Chinese society as a whole and is currently attracting international attention. The paper is mainly to analyze basic contents of the theoretical system and ideology of generations of Chinese leadership after the reform and opening up, assess their meanings and roles in the reform and opening up in China, and point out the inheritance and the intrinsic relationship among these theories and ideologies.

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